As we experience an ever-increasing number of changes in the workplace due to COVID-19, we are seeing more and more technological aids to make the transition easier. From thermometers to HR management apps, tech-savvy business leaders are taking every opportunity to get ahead of the curve and keep employees, customers, and their greater communities safe.

Employers have a shared responsibility to maintain awareness around current and potential COVID-19 cases within and around workplaces, as well as to learn new procedures and adapt processes accordingly to best mitigate the consequences of an outbreak. This means tracking employee interaction while on the job.
Here are three potential employee-tracking solutions to suit your workplace needs.
Truework is a software company offering COVID-19 tracking and verification services to employers, allowing employees to verify a clean health record or report symptoms of COVID-19.
Because of its two-way interface capabilities, Truework offers an opportunity to manage potential outbreaks before they hit the workplace.
Similarly, PwC allows employers to track employee status and contact to provide accurate risk management given exposure through a smartphone app. According to a New York Times article, the application was developed to “enable human resources or corporate security managers to quickly access the data in the event of a workplace outbreak and notify employees who may have been exposed."
Finally, Microshare is a US-based software company that uses a small wristband or credit card-like badge, eliminating the need for smartphones and minimizing potential privacy breaches. When the devices come into contact for a specified amount of time, the information is recorded and uploaded into a central database, which is searchable and audible for historic patterns.
What do these tracers mean for remote workers and workers that travel regularly? Their positions and interactions can be reliably traced, given the proper tools. What does this mean for you as an employer? A higher level of accountability and accuracy in determining and limiting the number of potentially infected individuals, should a case arise.